Saturday, July 7, 2012

4th of July Fun

 Josh has never seen sparklers, so I decided to get some this year. He has only seen fireworks once, and wasn't that impressed. He liked the sparklers. He liked the fact that I stood up in the middle of our neighborhood and pulled out some of my high school cheers. I used the sparklers as pom poms and even landed a few jumps.
It made my son laugh and that is all I wanted. Let's face it my neighbors all know I am goofy. They have all heard me make funny noises, sing loudly, and dance all to make Josh smile. I sing silly songs throughout the entire neighborhood just so he will walk with his walker and not scream.
Good thing we are staying in our street when we move. The neighbors are used to us. That is a story for another post.

♥♥Making Memories♥♥


  1. We have bonfires snd make smores. Thwe kids love it. It is no fun ifyou cannot act like a kid too.
    I love your posts. Keep it up.

  2. Thank you Sasha. Summer is a great time to make memories. There are so many cool things you can do.
