Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Wednesday's Question....

What is the first thing you remember wanting to be when you were little?

I had so many ideas about what I wanted to be when I grew up.  One day I was flipping through the channels looking for an answer. Yes, I was looking for an answer to my life on the thing that they say rots your brain.  Only me.  Anyway, I came across a program that had an author promoting his new book.  He said " Are you searching for your purpose in life"  Well, that stopped me in my tracks.
He said that the first thing you said you wanted to be in your life is what you were sent here to be.  I asked my mom if she could remember the first thing I wanted to be.  She said I always wanted to be a wife and a mom.  She had tears in her eyes, because I was told at 17 that I had maybe a year left to get pregnant.  I went through some complicated female stuff that year.  We won't go into that.  When I was 20 I got pregnant, but I miscarried  I really thought that it would never happen. Luckily, I was blessed at 27 with my miracle baby. The reason for this question is that I am a bit curious to if this author had a point.  So what did you want to be?


  1. The first thing I wanted to be when I was really little was an artist...but that's because my mom was really into art :-)

  2. I have seen your mom's paintings. Are you artistic?

  3. I always wanted to be a professional. I wasn't sure what that meant at the time - other than wearing a suit or conservative outfit - but I became an accountant. I think that is a professional career.


  4. I remember saying I wanted to be a lawyer. Now that I am older that idea doesnt stand a chance!

  5. At 15 I wanted to be a lawyer. And then at 16 I got pregnant. So I Know that well I'll go back and become something. But after 18 years I went back to school and became a paralegal.

  6. Denise - It sounds like you are doing what you dreamed of? That is awesome!

    Donna - You should be very proud of yourself. I am sure it wasn't easy to go back to school after 18 years. What an inspiration.
